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Clipper brand recommendation

18 17:39:49

Hello! I have a long-haired German Shepherd that I like to have shaved in the summers due to the heat. She likes it too, believe it or not! I want to start shaving her myself. Since her hair is so long I need a quality clipper set that won't break or get clogged with long hair. I am willing to pay, just want a recommendation so I can get the best kind. If possible, please send me the brand name and model you suggest. Thanks ever so much!

For a long coated, thick haired dog you will need clippers with high RPM's. I recommend the Andis 2 speed clipper with at least 3 #7F (finishing) blades. The reason for 3 blades is the blade will heat up running at the high speed. Therefore, the blades need to be changed frequently. Check the blade against your inside forearm if it is hot change blade. For a nice uniformed look try the same blade against the grain of the hair starting at the hock and working toward the head. It is short but clean in appearance.
I hope this has been helpful. Happy grooming!