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Yorkie hair

18 17:38:31

Is the hair of a Yorkie soft or wiry?

Depending on the dog, it can be soft, porous and cottony- especially if you clipper the hair in the typical puppy cut. If the hair is never cut (except to trim the ends) and left to grow long it will have a much harder, non-porous, shinier texture. There can be many textures  even among the long hair tho.
Because of the amount of work involved in keeping the long coat tangle free and clean, rarely do you see one walking around outside the show ring. If you do you can bet there is alot of brushing and combing going on- whether the owner (preferable in my opinion) or a salon is the doer, it must be consistent and frequent. Those you see in the shows have their hair sectioned, oiled and wrapped after every show and in between them. It is quite a process, similar to doing a perm.
There is never one simple answer - see the parents to determine what will be most likely- be never definitive. There is always the gene that can be the throwback to another coat type.