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Tibetan Terrier-Poodle

18 17:37:14

QUESTION: I have a 5 month old TEEToodle her coat seems more like the Tibetan Terrier, non curly and so soft.  I understand this is her puppy hair and at about 9 months she will get her adult hair, someone mentioned stripping her puppy hair to keep her adult hair from matting, what does that mean?  What causes the matting when the adult hair does come in?  I bush her daily and she is going to her second professional bathing, nail cutting, etc. tomorrow.  I have not had her hair cut at all except a little in front of her eyes.  What do I need to know???? All this is so new to me>  Thanks for any insight.  Diane Pearce, Newport Beach, CA

ANSWER: Tibetan terriers are not terriers so stripping the hair is not  an option. Tibetans have a very soft cottony coat that needs daily brushing and combing. It is, a very high maintenance dog coat. One of the highest. SO unless you are prepared for this or can afford to have it done for you - the other option is to have cut back to a puppy cut. It may not be the look you wanted but for the health and comfort of the dog you need to consider that option.
If however you are determined to keep the long coat, get good professional equipment and hairdressings. Invest in the good stuff- including a table where it won't kill your back to spend the time needed to do this correctly. Find a video on the breed. Join the breed club. Talk to the groomer and see what will insipre them to do the right thing. Be prepared to spend money.
Good Luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I forgot to mention, the father is a TT and the mother a miniature white poodle how do you think the poodle hair will affect the TT coat???  Do you have a picture of what a "puppy cut" looks like or somewhere you can send me via the internet to see that cut?  Also can you recommend the specific types, brands, etc of grooming tools I should purchase.  I do plan to have her groomed monthly.  Thank you for more help and direction.

you have 2 high maintenance breeds there!
I have NO clue as what that combination will produce. It can take up to 18 months for the adult coat to appear.
Both breeds have continuous growth and matt when left uncared for. If you are having the dog groomed monthly by a professional groomer they will know what a puppy cut is. Just the same length all over- how long that length is makes the difference of your being able to maintain the coat in between.
Interview several groomers and look at their work coming and going- talk to customers. The groomer should be able to help you with product but you should get her started NOW. THis is the perfect age.
There are no magic bullets when it comes to maintaining a gorgeous coat- just lots of work, brushing and combing.
Metal comb, slicker and pin brushes. Finishing spray to keep the matting down.
2 great resources
Chris Christiansen Products
#1 All Systems grooming products

good luck!