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Yorkie Coat

18 17:37:52

Hi. Hope I am asking this in the right place.I recently adopted 2 yorkies. One is 13 weeks the other is 11.5 weeks old. One has beautiful thick soft fur (13)and the other has very very thin fur and almost none on her feet, face and ears (11). There are shoots of long hair coming out at her nails and small fine hair on her ears. I am concerned that she is not a purebred. I have allergies and they have gotten worse since she has been here, but there could be other causes. Do yorkies sometimes have this hair and what will she look like as an adult? Can I do anything now to improve her coat? I love her anyway!! she does look a bit like pictures I have seen of Chorkies! but she has akc papers and supposedly has champion lines. I thought I saw her mom and dad. They don't look like her.
Thanks for your time!!

Hi Ashlee,
Oh dear - what can I say. There are so many different kinds of yorkies - they are really tough to predict what they will look like even when you see the parents. That being said - there are also unscrupulous "breeders" out there bait and switch.  She may be a very weak version of a yorkie. She may be sickly or have allergies. Sometimes it takes a year or two for the coat to mature and sometimes it never is what you expect.
Akc papers are worth what they are printed on. Like registering a car- they don't guarantee it runs just that it is registered.
Did you do your due diligence? Buyer beware. If you don't believe the dogs you saw were the puppies parents you can report them. That is fraud.
They get you because they count on your falling in love with the puppy.
You may have to change the food she eats- there are loads of supplements, but take her to a vet and have her checked out.
Your allergies may be reacting to her allergies. Frequent baths may help you both.