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dogs whiskers

18 17:38:45

I have a terrier mix with the whiskers (beard?) when she eats or chews on a bone she gets yuck in them and I'd like to clean them because they get crusty ( I know, disgusting) I've tried baby wipes but they don't do the trick. She's not crazy about having it done in the first place and I don't want to bring her to a groomer everytime they need to be cleaned. I'd like to be able to clean them daily. What can I use?

My favorite thing to clean a stinky muzzle is a waterless shampoo such as Self Rinse, by Proline  but there are many on the market. Put in a spray bottle and spray right into the beard and use a wet sponge to blot it out with. Repeat as many times as necessary. Run a comb through it after to make sure there are no chunks left behind.