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grooming a nervous springer spaniel

18 17:37:08

pls help, i have a 18 month old male springer spaniel. I took him to the groomers for a cut, he is a little nervous but not to bad, he was great when he first went in, great with the groomers, a little nervous of the table but was ok until after about 3 mins of clipping he went mental, uncontrolably pooed all over the table, jumping, scratching, clawing at me. shaking wreck. they managed to clip his back but that was it. the bath calmed him. but i dont know where to go from here. he now looks like a sheep shearer has been at him.

Poor dog, poor groomers, they NEVER like it when a dog suddenly goes nuts.

My advice is to ask your vet what kind of mild tranqulizer you can use.  Childrens Benedryl is great, but the Vet may have another idea.  Just something to take the 'edge' off. Once he has a few good grooming sessions under his belt, he will be more relaxed about the whole thing.  Could be he got 'pinched' by some dull blades, who knows?!?  

Good luck and let me know how he does with some tranqs.