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Best clippers brand for maltese.

18 17:37:24

I want to start grooming my dog at home and i was wondering whats the best clippers that will get through the Maltese thin hair. I was trying to find reviews on the best clippers but i noticed that it depends on the dogs coat. thank you.  

The good news? A maltese can be clipped with just about any clipper. If you had asked me about a chow or a shephard or a dog with a dense coat, the answer might be different.

The downside is that since a maltese has fine hair, sometimes the haircut can look choppy. A medium duty clipper (one in the 60-80 dollar range) would handle most of your clipping needs. They usually come with snap on combs which allow you to do fluffy cuts at several different lengths.

I'd stay away from any clipper under 30 dollars as they are underpowered and the extra power will help to keep from creating clipper lines or choppy hair.

The dog must be fully brushed out for the combs to work as they will snag on mats. If your dog is too matted to get all the knots out, then the plain clipper with the blade only (no comb attachment) may be your only option.

Any clipper over 100 dollars and you are in the professional line. Oster, Andis, and Laube are all good brand names to look for.

Good Luck!