Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > Grooming my Schnauzer/Bichon/Maltese cross puppy

Grooming my Schnauzer/Bichon/Maltese cross puppy

18 17:38:45


I have a 5 month old 50% Schnauzer and 50% Bichon/Maltese cross puppy.  Winter is just started and we are now going ot have snow for the next 5 months.  I want to get my puppy groomed as she looks very straggly.   What should I ask my groomer to do.


The classic "puppy cut" for your cutie patootie! That is a one length hair cut all over. Your groomer should be totally familiar with that cut. Best advice to you is get it done monthly- every 4 weeks; at the very longest 8 weeks. You have what is considered a high maintenance dog because the hair never stops growing and matts quickly and easily. You will need to do maintenance in between. Learn how to brush and comb. Ask the groomer to show you how.
Start now- the sooner the better!
Good luck