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Grooming my older bichon

18 17:39:47

I have a 14-1/2 year-old Bichon, Buffie, who has been going to the groomer regularly since she was about 6 months old and has done fine. However, she is becoming difficult for them to handle and they were not able to cut her hair the last two times she was in. She does not see or hear very well and is diabetic... but the vet says she is doing very well for her age. I am considering trying to at least cut her hair on her body so she won't be so hot, but the only way I could get her even is to use clippers. I understand that it's best to only use scissors on a Bichon since their fur is so fine. I hope things will improve and she will allow the groomer to finish her the next time... but if not, I am going to have to do something myself. What would you suggest?

Thanks so much!

Old dogs are so very special, it is important to not upset them when they are getting groomed.
I have several older dogs that come and we use a special appointment time.

You can try this; make a special appointment time for your dog that the groomer can work on it straight through. They only need about 45 minutes or so.
I have the owner bathe the dog at home and dry it and comb it out thoroughly. If you cannot do this, simply brush and comb the dog very thoroughly. Do not wait until grooming day, do it in small times for a week or so before the appointment so she is very well combed out before she goes to the groomer.

Take the dog to the groomer and you sit in the car or waiting room so the dog thinks you are gone and doesn't try to struggle and have you come back in and get her.

Have the groomer put the dog straight on the table and cut her hair ONLY. I recommend clipping the dog with a #4 or with a #2 blade guard if her hair is thin, if it is thick, have the groomer go shorter, so the dog doesn't have to be done very often and doesnt' have to be repeatedly combed during the haircut.

After the cut,  have them blow the dog off and scissor off anything that is sticking out.  Then you come back in and hold the dog in your arms and they will trim her nails while you hold her.

Take the dog home and let her rest.

This is the best way for you to have your dog safely done.  Expect to pay full grooming price even though the dog isn't getting a bath, because of the appointment being JUST FOR YOU.  When I do this, I have another person there to answer the door and phone, or I CLOSE the salon and put the answering machine on. This costs me money and the owner of the older dog must be aware of this factor.

If this does not work and you want to do the dog yourself, you are looking at a pair of clippers costing about $130., plus blades costing about $60 MINIMUM.

I would not expect anyone to hand scissor an older dog.  It is too time consuming and the dog must hold very still, which older dogs cannot do.

You should easily be able to get your groomer to do this for you,,  and be sure to give your groomer a nice tip for such special care.  
If the dog is too feeble to withstand a hair cut only appointment, then have her do just the face and nails one visit, and the haircut the next. YOU SHOULD STAY ON THE PREMISES in case the dog gets shaking or panting and the groomer needs you to calm it down.