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Scottish Terrier Bathing

18 17:39:00

Hello there,
Simple question:  How often should I bathe my Scottish Terrier? I know the
skin of this breed tend to dry out too easily, and because of this the breeder
told me I should not bathe him more than 3-4 times a YEAR. The Vet says I
should bathe him once a week otherwise I will have a very stinky dog. What
do I do? Thank you in advance.

- Carlos

Hello Carlos!
There is no set time of when or when not to bathe a dog. What I typically reccomend to everyone, no matter the breed or skin type, is bath them when they need it. If your dog is smelly, give him a bath. I do not reccomend bathing more than once a week (even every 2 seems like alot). Say for example, you give your dog a bath on a sunday, and then monday when you go out for a walk, your pup finds some mud to splash in, and his paws get all dirty. Instead of re bathing him, I would just rinse off just his feet. But say on that walk instead of just getting the paws dirty, he rolls in the mud, therefore requiring another bath, its not going to kill him. If your dog does require lots of baths for whatever reason, just make sure you are using a hypo allergenic oatmeal formula shampoo and a hypo allergenic conditioner as well. let your dog soak in the conditioner so moisture does get absorbed into the skin! my favorite brand of shampoos are either Desert Sudz, or Vet Solutions. I hope this answered your question!