Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > No Nail Clipping For Him

No Nail Clipping For Him

18 17:39:38

Hi, i have a half Doberman and half roitriller dog. When I try to cut my dogs nails, he wont let me. He growls and threatens to bit me, if i get near him with the nail clippers. Is it bad if I don't cut his nails? Do you know a way I can cut his nails, without spending money by taking him to a groomer?

Hi Alejandra,
Sure run him up and down the drive way - just kidding - try a muzzel and some serious "I'm going to do this".  Your dog is your pet and he doesn't get to threaten you that he is going to bite you.  You CHOOSE to keep him, feed him and take care of him - you make a CHOICE to love him.  Getting his nails done is part of this.  Buy a muzzle that fits him and cut his nails-peroid. Snap him up to something so he can't be moving a bunch and cause an accident and cut the nails!@!
