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trimming my dogs nails

18 17:38:55

I have tried the "quick finder" which I paid $35.00 and quickly returned for my money back as it did not work. Can you recommend a better way to cut their nails. I hate to cut too low. Thanks, Elaine

Hello Elaine.
Those quick finder nail clippers are definately a waste of money. The nail clippers I recommend are the scissor type, because you have more control over where you will be cutting.
Now, of course white nails are much easier to find the quick than black nails, so If your dogs nails are white, you can usually see a pink quick in the nail, so cut just before the pink quick. If your dogs nails are black, you can usually see the quick best, by flipping the paw upside down, and looking at the nail from the bottom side. The quick will be full, and the nail will be shaped like a "u". Cut just before the full round quick. If you can still not tell the difference from the underside of the nail, you can clip of a tiny bit at a time, and look at what you are cutting. The closer you get to the nail, the more fleshy the nail will look. If the nail is chalking looking, then you can continue to cut, till the nail is fleshy. then stop. I also recommend buying 'quick stop'. It is a styptic powder that will clog the nail if you do happen to quick it. As long as you are taking off only a tiny bit at a time, you shouldnt have a problem. And remember, it is ok if you just slightly hit the quick. just put some quick stop on and it will stop bleeding. your dog will be fine!