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To shave or not to shave

18 17:39:52

A year ago we adopted our wonderful german shephard mix, Rosie.  We are not sure what she is mixed with, but her undercoat is extremely thick.  No matter how much we brush her, she continue to sheds.  A groomer recommended shaving her, but I am a little hesitant.  I want to make sure this is better for the dog and not just a benefit for me to not have to brush her every day.  I appreciate any advice you can give!  I want my girl to be able to enjoy her summer :o)

Renee, All groomers have an opinion I am no different. I do not recommend you shave Rosie. I believe that coat was given to dogs for a reason. Undercoat as we all know is for warmth. The longer coarse hair is a natural air conditioner for dogs. The undercoat in warmer climates is shed yearly.
I have a Siberian Huskies mix that sheds massive amounts of hair. When I pull the coat out I have birds calling my name for nesting material. Ha!
I use a shedding blade that I purchased for my horse at the ranch supply store. I use it by starting at the hock (the hind leg just above the ankle). I hold the hair back with my left hand and comb with my right. This way I am getting down to the skin and pulling the soon to be released hair before it sheds. I work my way up to the neck getting behind the ears where all coated dogs get mats.
You may have to brush Rosie year round if she goes in and out of the house. The heated house in the winter and the air conditioned housed in the summer confuse the pores.
Yes you probably will have to brush all the time but you will not get a sun burned dog. Also, there are hot spots that can develop in coated dogs. This can be caused from any irritation to the skin such as flea bites. The skin cannot breath so infection starts and grows. They can become serious and cause health problems.
Dogs that are shaved for the summer months tend to grow back thicker so aren't we defeating the purpose?
So my recommendation is brush and comb and love your wonderful girl. And smile in the mirror just to make sure you don't have dog hair in your teeth. Enjoy and make everyday with Rosie your special time.