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What is the best shampoo and what can you use to make your toy poodle coat shine?

18 17:37:21

Hi, I would like to know the best shampoo to use on my toy poodle and is there something I can use to make his coat shine. He is only 10 weeks old and I would like to keep his coat shiny like when I bought him. Is it alright to give him a bath know.

The best shampoo is certainly subject to opinion, but I find there are more happy customers and positive feedback with the "Show Seasons" line of shampoos. There is one in particular called
Show Season Shine (scroll down to find on this page: )

This is a show quality product and is the absolute best (in my opinion) you can buy.

Have I tried all the brands out there? No, I'd be remiss in not mentioning that.

Keep in mind that at 10 weeks he has a different coat type than his adult type will be. The puppy coat is softer, more downy, and will start to disappear close to 10 months. In its place will be a much more coarse and curly coat type (depending on how correct your poodle's coat is, as I have seen poodles with very wiry coats and poodles with very fluffy and cottony types, both "incorrect" for the breed but nonetheless wonderful pets). The curls will tighten up, as well.

Baths are perfectly safe at this age, but keep in mind there is more benefit to keeping your puppy brushed than bathed. Brushing allows the natural oils to distribute and stimulates hair follicles to grow fresh hair as you brush out the dead hair (poodle coat does not allow the shed hair to fall out, it just stays in the coat, causing matting).

Bathing is recommended 3-4 weeks between, but do lots of hands on touching to help acclimate your puppy to the lifetime of grooming he will need to have!

Enjoy your puppy!