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Staph / Grooming

18 17:37:09

My dog got staph infection on his back, could he have gotten it from the grooming service co. - - I am wondering if I should bring hiim back to the same groomer, and if he is being treated on antibotics, is it safe to have him groomed.

If your dog has never had a staph infection before this, then it's a good chance that he picked it up at the groomers.  Most groomers DO disinfect their instruments in between dogs, but all it takes is one time that they don't and things get spread around.
Do you like this groomer? Have they always done a good job before this?  If the answers are yes, then just let them know what happened and stick with them, chances are good it will never happen again.  Also, they may give you a free wash or clip, who knows???

If he is on oral antibiotics then yes, you can have him groomed safely, but let the groomer know in advance. If he is on a cream or other ointment, then wait until he's done for about 2 weeks.

A good product to restore hair loss after such an event is made by it's a 'hot spot' kit, and it's used to treat staph infections as well!

Good luck, let me know how it goes!