Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > nails and ears,teriffied of baths

nails and ears,teriffied of baths

18 17:39:38

I have  a Belgain Malinois she is scared of bathing and nail trimming shes about 3 yrs.old now. She was a rescue so not sure of her past.I could not even wipe her ears or get close to her if I had a small bottle in my hands .She is better with her  ears i can wipe them out some now . She is a great dog ,I love her dearly I need help grooming her with one of getting hurt. Please can you help.
                 Sharon Wildeman
                  St. Joseph,Mi.

Hi Sharon,
I would invest in a muzzel to be on the safe side, go slow and talk to her.  Be firm when you say "it's ok girl" now oh baby  your so scared moma is here" - Pat her with confidence and not baby type fear.  How you approach things is how they "feel".  Don't give her any fear that she doesn't have.  I hope you can understand what I'm saying - it's hard to put into words.

Good Luck