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recurring staph infection

18 17:37:06

My cocker spaniel gets a staph infection within three to five days from being groomed.  I spoke to the groomer several times but this has been happening for the past six months.  What should I ask for or look for in a new groomer to prevent this from happening?  Could she get it from the cage she is in at the groomers or just from the equipment?

Well Lynn,
If your dog is getting staph on a regular basis from a groomer it's time to change groomers. It can come from so many different things because it can be airborne. It can also be dormant on your dogs skin and when she is being groomed you may be activating it.
Because this is really a medical issue you should talk to your vet about it as well. Cockers are notorious for this skin problem- believe me I know. I had one myself who had staph all his life and I tried everything it just kept coming back. I am hopeful that they have come up with better treatment for it since then- 20 years ago.
All commercial grooming salons need to be very careful about cleaning their equipment since they have transient business and just general hygiene is an important factor in your decision of grooming this dog. The place must be spotless if you have a staph sensitive dog, and that includes the crates they are held and or dried in.
Talk to your vet about shampoos because most shops don't carry the kind of medicated product your dog would require unless you bring it yourself. You may want to consider having someone come to your home and having your own equipment to avoid cross contamination.
I am sorry you are having this problem- hope it works out for her.