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clippers for goldenretreivers

18 17:37:07

I have 2 retreivers i like to have them shaved the older one every year shaved short but now with two i would like to do it myself it gets expensive at 80$ a pop......what are the best clippers and model for them

Hi Roberta
It will cost you at least as much to buy a good pair of clippers and the correct blades as it would to have them groomed professionally with a lot less stress and mess- just a  word  of advice.
If you read my earlier posts you'll find I am not a fan of shaving this breed but if you are determined and it sounds like you are- my telling you which clipper and blades to use is not the same thing as your knowing what to do with it once you have them. Most people get frustrated and/or make a proper mess of the whole thing and then have to take them in to be repaired anyway costing you twice as much. There are lots of things that can go wrong if you are not trained, so that  adds the price of a training video. Which still does not guarantee you won't burn or knick the dog anyway. These are large dogs that need a lot of strength and skill.
That said, my suggestion  is a an Oster A-5 which comes with a #10 blade which will shave the dog to the skin. A # 5 blade will leave a bit more hair but unless you know how to use it you may not get the results you are looking for.
Best bet is to leave it to the pros unless you plan on taking a lesson - at least for your dogs sake.
good luck