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wont let us trim nails

18 17:40:15

I have a 4 month old shih tzu who has only gotten her nails trimmed by a groomer. Her nails were getting long and I decided to try to do it myself but she won't calm down enough for me to do it. A friend suggested that I give her a 1/4 of a benadryl, but I don't know how that would affect her...any suggestions?

 It is possible for you to do it yourself but I wouldn't recommend the benodryl. Yes it will make her drowsy but it is a bad way to train a puppy to be groomed.
 Grooming a puppy is difficult to begin with, they are full of energy and scared of everything you are trying to do to them. Just like house training they have to be trained how to be groomed. It takes time and patience.
  If you have someone who can help you, try double teaming her, it is a little easier when they are puppies. Have the other person hold her while you clip her nails.
  As long as you know how to clip nails properly it should
work fine. If you are new to it then it will be more difficult because she will sense your nervousness and react to it mutually.
  If you find that it is still not do-able then I suggest you take her to your groomer. They usually only charge 5-8 dollars for just nails and normally you don't need an appointment for this service.
  I hope I have been of some help to you. Good luck and God Bless!