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Dog Grooming

18 17:36:46

Hello, I have a 4 month old toy Yorkie...  She will be 4lbs full grown not sure if that is considered a tea cup or not but anyway my question is my baby girl Starr does not have enough hair on the top of her head to put in bows and the hair on her back is still wirey and not silky I do brush her every day...My question is when will her hair decide to grow and be long like all the yorkies I have seen pictures of....Thank you so much for your help and your consideration on this subject.
Sincerely, Nicole

Hi Nicole,
Starr is exactly what you say- a baby! 4 pounds is a teacup for sure. It's good that you are getting her used to brushing- very important in fact if you plan on her having a long coat.
It often takes up to 2 years for an adult coat to grow in so have a little patience and make sure she eats well so that her hair comes in thicker and stronger. Give her vitamin supplements and keep it clean and knot free.
Some times it just doesn't get that thick. It may be very fine and thin in which case it's better to keep it shorter.
enjoy whatever you dog looks like - she sounds precious.
all the best!