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my yorkie puppy

18 17:40:06

do you know how to tell if my 11 week yorkie pup is going to have long hair or short?

If you have a pure bred Yorkie, it WILL have long hair. The hair takes at least 6 months to get long and a year to touch the floor.
Keep in mind though, that puppy hair and adult hair are 2 different things, and your puppy will change hair textures at about the age of 8 months to one year.
At that time, you will have to do alot of brushing and combing, as the adult hair just almost "fights" with the puppy hair and it will tangle every time you look at it!

Right now, get puppy used to brushing and combing and use a cream rinse after the bath. Before each bath, be sure to brush all tangles out, or when you hit them with water, they will tighten and tangle and you will never get them out.

Also, if you have not clipped the hair off the tips of your babies ears, do so, or have it done by a groomer. If you do not clip the hair off of the top 1/2 of the ear, the weight of the hair will break the cartilage and the ear will flop over, not stand up.

Congrats on your puppy, it will have long hair!  As long as it isn't a mix, it will have long pretty hair if you can take care of it.

Good luck