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Grooming my Aussie

18 17:37:55

what is the easiest way to groom the mats out of my Aussie?I read not to cut their hair. However he has mats under his ears, around his collar and his hind quarters

thanks Amy

slide a metal comb under the matt to protect the skin and cut the matt out if you must.
Frankly when you have that many matts it means you are not doing the proper maintenance to start with. Get thee to a groomer who can get you on track. If you have a pet and not a working dog - AT THE VERY LEAST- have him professionally groomed every 8 weeks  to keep it under control
There are a ton of product out there to help shed these herding dogs out- especially this time of year when they "blow" their coats. You may need to take some lessons- try a video that shows how to groom your dog.  
Consistency my friend - got to be like clockwork. Otherwise you will have one solid matt from front to back.
good luck