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shedding yellow lab

18 17:40:09

I have been told there is a dog food for dogs with a shedding problem, do you know what the name is and where I may find it?  We have a yellow lab  male  7 years old and he sheds a lot, he stays in the house and I have to vaccum every day.  Thanks for any help you have to give.

I apologize for taking so long to respond. I was in the hospital unexpectedly with a lung infection.
 I have heard of the foods you mentioned but there have
been no actual scientific studies to back up what they are saying as far as I know.
 The only advice I can give you for shedding is to have
the fur thinned out. By that I mean the undercoat. A good
groomer can do it quite easily but it is not a cure all.
 The other thing you can do is to brush your dog thoroughly
every day. This will cut down the shedding.
 Unfortunately with the breed you have that is something you are just going to have to deal with. There is no cure. And when the dogs coat changes to meet the seasons it sheds heavier as I am sure you are aware.
 I wish there was a way to stop the shedding for you.
What you can also do is keep the dog in a short cut so that
the shedding is limited.
 I wish I could be of more help to you. Good luck and God Bless !