Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > haircut


18 17:36:56

I have a female chihuahua poodle mix all black she is 10 months old and im going to take her to the groomers which it will be the first time for the both of us i do not ant her shaved so what kind of haircut should i ask for?  She is small like a chihuahua but has the soft curly hair like a poodle (long hair) even with the little poof on her head

Hi Clara,
Ask for a puppy cut. A puppy cut can vary greatly in length so it is good to know what length you want before you take her to the grooming shop. Her hair will need to be completely mat-free for this haircut. It's a very cute, fluffy clip and she will look puppy-ish, hence, the name "puppy Cut".
