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My Pomeranians coat

18 17:39:04

I live in Arizona and have a 9 month old Pom.  Since the warmer weather has hit I find I brush him daily and get wads of fur, especially from his under coat.  He is looking ratty and I feel he is excessively shedding his coat, but have never had a Pom before.  Is this normal for the warmer weather months?  Will his fur grow back like it was eventually?  He does not eat very well and was worrying that was the problem of him losing so much fur.  I have heard they are finicky eaters so I am at a loss.  Hope you have an idea.

Hi Geri. Diet can play a major role in your pet's hair loss, and Pomeranian's are know to be heavy shedders.

I must admit that I am not very schooled in the Pomeranian breed.  Therefore I did some research and found a website that might have the answer to your questions.  

Below is a sample paragraph I cut and pasted for the website as follows:

"A Pomeranian will go through a period of time which is called "Puppy Uglies". When does a Pomeranian lose its fur? It usually happens when the puppy is five or six months old. This is not set in stone.  Hair loss from Puppy Uglies may happen early, at three months or late at seven months."

The address of the above referenced website is

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.  Sincerely, Penny D.