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Horrible Haircut!!!!!!!!

18 17:40:04

Hi, We returned from a month away for husbands surgery to find that our Pomeranians caregiver had taken him to be groomed as a favor. I nearly died when I saw how this shop had cut him. His head looks like it was held and "blunt cut" unevenly all around his face. His ears all chopped up, His beautiful puffy tail is cut on ONE side 2 inches long and the other is about 4 inches! his body hair looks "layered! I have never seen anything so awful! People that have visited just laugh @ poor Puff. He looks as if someone put a head on him that doesn't belong on his body. I'm just sick about it.
Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for the vent!

All I can say if I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the local groomer. Unfortuanly there are many people that have had the same type of experience. The only thing that you can do for this is wait for the coat to grow out and find someone that scissors the coat evenly. Or you can shave the coat off and let it all grow out. I personally scissor my poms in a typical show groom but alot of shops take a blade over the dog in a lion pattern. Good luck with your baby and hopefully it will grow quickly.