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standard poodle grooming

18 17:38:40

Hi, we live in Sitka, Alaska where it's wet and cool.  I've been grooming our 3
yr old black standard ever since our groomer moved down to "America".  I've
been using a Raycine Adjustable Dog Trimmer #182 A series (Oster) that I
found in the second-hand store in town.  
Louie and I spend a lot of time in the woods and on the boat
(, so I keep him as long-haired as possible for
warmth and maximum Alaskan ruggedness.  When he gets too long, every
spruce twig in the forest serve to knit him together so he can't even move, so
it's important that he stays just below that threshhold.  I prefer to just have
him all one length rather than the more ornate "poodle cut". It's an Alaskan
guy phobia thing!
I have a feeling that my clipper is not the best for Louie, as it takes me hours
to do the job.  Can you recommend a clipper set kit that might shorten my
task?  Any other tips would be very welcome too.
Thanks so much for your help

You are so right about keeping him one length all over for your life style. Laube, Andis, and Oster A-5 are the most commonly used professional clippers. If you use a #3 blade it'll give you some length that is manageable. The deal is to run the clipper over him every couple of weeks. That way it doesn't get matted. Use a Universal slicker brush first, then run a full size metal comb over that to make sure there are no knots to catch the blade. Use Cool Lube to keep your blades cool or they will overheat and can burn your dog's skin. Should take about 35-45 minutes. In the summer you can go down to a 8 1/2. Longer cuts are achieved with a 15 blade to which a snap on comb is attached but the coat needs to be thoroughly brushed out for those to cut smoothly.
Then all you have to do is get a pair of good scissors to trim around the feet, face and ears.
There are lots of videos out these days to show you how to do a poodle but what I have told you is actually my favorite poodle look anyway. Dremal his toe nails.
These are all available through groomer catalogues- Pet Edge, Cherrybrook are 2 of the most reputable but there are loads around. Check prices but it'll run you around $125 for the clipper. Blades are about $30 or so. Keep them clean and oiled. Dirty dog hair will ruin them fast. Use only on a clean dog.

good luck

Poodles were originally retrievers with corded coats- but they would drown under the weight of the cords so that is how the pompoms came to be- they left the hair over the joints to help them stay warm...