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my pit bulls ears gettting clipped

18 17:40:07

ok i need to know how old a pit bull can be when it is ok to get there ears pinnned. He is still a puppy but i need to know how old is to late.

I am not absolutely positive but I think 10 months is the oldest they can be. I do know that each vet has a different preference to how old the dog can be though. Some vets won't do it if the dog is over 6 mos. So you should really call around to your local vets and find out which vet suits your needs best.
 Sorry it took me a few days to get back to you,been really sick and unable to get off the bed. I do apologize
I usually get back to people within 24 hrs.
 I hope I have been of some help. Good luck and God bless!