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Dog Grooming Vacuum Cleaner

18 17:38:17

Is it safe to use a vacuum cleaner on a dog?  We have big dogs--English Mastiffs--and they shed a lot. Thanks

Hi Laura,

I have heard of people vacuuming their dog and have been told by owners that their dogs enjoy the "massage".  There are even vacuums made specifically for that purpose although it's been a while since i've seen one in a catalog.  So long as you use common sense and don't vacuum sensitive areas, stop if you see skin irritation or bruising, and don't force it on your dog you should be fine. You can also use a force dryer to blow the extra coat out which may have less impact on their skin and has no risk for bruising.   

My personal recomendation for shedding dogs is something called a Furminator.  It's a relatively new grooming tool that most of us (and owners too) are just nuts about.  You wouldn't believe how much hair it will pull off of your dog and it's very easy to use.  It is a bit expensive ($40 to $60) but it is very worth the money.  I have a great pyrennes and don't know how I could stand her without one!

Best of luck to you and your dust bunny machines!  
