Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > toy poodle grooming

toy poodle grooming

18 17:38:05

Hi, I recently adopted a toy poodle and would like to do the grooming myself.
Could you give me an idea, which size blade I should use for the clipping of the
nose and which blades you would recommend for the body?
I own an andis clipper that takes clip-on blades.
Thank you - Katrin

Best advice I can give you is to get a video. Jodi Murphy is quite well known and easily accessible. There are many to chose from tho. It is better to watch and learn than for me to just tell you. there's lot's more than clippers involved.
good luck

Since you did not tell me that you already watched a video I thought it better to let you see that first.
There should have been information on the video about it - if not it is not a very informational video and maybe not the right one for you but you can't tell these things before you see them I guess.
Clean face and feet can be gotten by using anything from a  #10, 15, 30, 40 blade depending on how close you like the look and how mch experience you have. Be sure to cool the blade as you o along either with a spray lube made for this or switch blades often in order not get clipper burn. I would start with a 15 blade

hope that is more helpful