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Helping clam our dog prior to grooming

18 17:36:37

HI, we have a one and hlf yr old shitzu that won't let us groom him. We have taken him to a groomer when he was young to get him use to grooming, but as he as gotten older it's all most impossible to groom him. We had a groomer come to the house and she wasn't able to groom him, even after giving him valuim to help him relax. He will let us bath him,but he freaks out when the clippers get near him. He won't let us clean his ears etc.
Please help, we even tried benadryl w/o luck.

Hi Joe,
I understand your frustration! It sounds like He may be a little spoiled. It would be one thing if it were just a matter of him fighting the clipper noise, but that you also can't clean his ears means that he fights whatever he dislikes until you give up. If you give up, he gets what he wants and he fights harder next time.

1)I suggest you take him for a very long run prior to grooming him. This will help tire him out so he fights the process less.

2)Have someone help you hold him then turn on the clippers. Don't use them to clip him, instead just "pet" his back with them and turn them off after 30 seconds. Give him a treat (if he will take one) then let him go. Increase the increments to desensitize him.

3) It's imperative that you not get angry and frustrated because he will pick up on your energy and mimic you. Don't coddle him during grooming; ignore bad behavior and praise good behavior.

4)Find a good trainer who can help you with the process.

Good-luck Joe,