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grooming a Yellow Labrador Retrever

18 17:39:56

Hi Laurie,  First let me thank you for sharing your wonderful site with me. I will visit it many many times from now on. What a wonderful find!  My question is:
I would like to clip my grandoggy "Mickey" he is a large dog and is six years old. He was just clipped about a month ago and to help keep costs down I told my daughter that I would try to clip him. He does have a thick coat close to his body coat. I just bought a pair of Andis Ultra Cut 2 speed clippers. And I also have an old 25 year old well used Oster A2 clippers. I am thinking of having them refurbished. Don't really know if it will be worth the expense to do that. But can you tell me what the best way to clip Mickey and in what direction to cut his coat. He is a Yellow Labrador Retriever. and loves to swim. I thought that clipping him for the summer would make it easier to keep him groomed.  Thank you so very much. I look forward to your feedback. have a great day Till next time   Rachel  

Hi Rachel!
Good for you to keep your granddoggie comfortable with a nice haircut.
It isn't hard if you have the right tools, but it isn't a quick job, for sure.
Do not have your A-2's rebuilt. The blades don't fit anymore. It is a waste of time.
If you got the Andis AGC or professional clipper, you are fine.
The ones I am finding are ULTRA EDGE< not ULTRA CUT, so I am not sure if you have the right thing. Be sure it is an A5 model clipper, with detachable blades.
you can do it with a #10 but I do not recommend it. It may be hard to get the coat off without leaving lines. You must go WITH the hair if using a #10, because to go against the hair will make it nearly or completely bald. Your yellow lab will sunburn.
I recommend a 7F blade and go against the hair. You can also use a #9, but your would go WITH the hair if using a #9.  It is hard to tell you without seeing the dogs coat, but either one should work.
I'd personally, recommend the #7, go backwards and in the fall you can use it and go WITH the hair for a slightly longer cut. You should also use your #7 and go WITH to do the tail and to blend in the head to the neck.
Wear your old clothes, you will get hairy!
Good luck