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my toy poodle

18 17:40:11

What would be a good cut for my toy poodle? She Is 4 Mos. old and shes got real wavy hair. I also live in Michigan.And also can you cut there ear hair?

 Right now is the perfect age to start getting her groomed.
Just like potty training a dog needs to be trained how to be groomed.
 The best cut for her right now will be what they call a
"puppy cut". This cut is great because not only does it
look great but it serves a purpose. It is very low maintenance allowing you to get the puppy used to being brushed and touched before delving into the more high maintenance cuts that are typical of the breed.
 You can definitely trim the ear hairs of your dog. It is
a normal and necessary part of grooming her. Most poodles
have a lot of ear hair. I usually trim the hair with scissors first then I pluck about 80% of the hair using ear powder and my fingers or if needed special hemostats.
DO NOT use tweezers, they are extremely dangerous to use! If the dog moves it's head suddenly you could puncture the ear and possibly the ear drum.
If you are going to be grooming the dog yourself and you
have little or no experience, I would advise getting some
training however brief or extensive you feel comfortable
with. Grooming is tricky and the use of scissors and
clippers with live animals can be dangerous if you aren't
doing it properly.
If you'll be using a groomer and don't already have one
that you trust I suggest that you research any groomer
you choose to try. Just ask around to friends, family. or
even co-workers. The best advice I can give is if you don't
feel completely comfortable with the groomer find another
one. Always go with your instinct, and if the dog doesn't
take to the person right off it's a warning , dog's are the
best judge of character, they know who they like and trust.
I hope I have been of some help to you. Good luck and God Bless!