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tibetan terriers and clipping

18 17:37:36


I have a tibetan terrier, whos hair was beautiful and really smooth.  We put him into kennels while we had a holiday and had his hair clippered shorter as he was blowing his puppy coat.  I thought this would help the kennels to care for him.

I have now been told that his lovely, fine hair will only grow back in the clumps its in FOREVER! im totally gutted. I thought that if i found someone to scissor cut him afterwards, he would be fine.

Can you advise me on the best thing to do from now on please? Im wondering if i can still get him scissor cut and hoping this will allow his, now clumpy coat, to return to its former glory?

Many thanks

Ally Robinson (Yorkshire England)

ANSWER: Hi Ally,
Technically, I'm sure you are aware, he is not a terrier. That being said - you got what is known in the business as a high maintenance dog. It means if you want that coat back it is going to take a lot of work and several seasons of growth. It may come back and should but to be honest it sound like you got butchered by someone who did not know what they were doing. It could have been he was more matted than you thought and the groomer didn't want to waste time and energy de-matting the dog.
It takes massive amounts of constant brushing and combing on a daily basis which is why you don't see many with those long coats. You will need to find someone familiar with the breed- how about the breeder???
Most people have them done in a puppy cut just for convenience. But even that should be done once a month. See if there is a Tibetan club in the UK who will advise you.
But get to work on brushing the clumps and circulating the the blood under the skin for even growth and stimulation of the hair follicles.
Patience Ally, is all I can advise at this junction and good tools. A long pin brush, metal comb with wide teeth and detangler spray are essential.

good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks so much Elizabeth, I hope you dont mind me being on here, as i do know he isnt a terrier at all, but utility, bless him!

thank you so much for your quick and honest reply!  I really appreciate it.

I had got right down to Murphys skin but the groomer i took him to, actually cut him in an odd cut, more like a cocker spaniel?  So i probably hadnt made myself too clear i would think.

I did then take him to another groomer, asked for him scissor cutting to get his hair into the proper condition,  it was at this point that she mentioned that from now on, as he had been clipped, his hair wouldnt ever grow back like it had been prior to clipping.  Once done that is it! And I should always have him clippered from now on, and not scissored,

Im not too sure of why to be truthful and Im actually finding the shorter hair harder to brush as its tangling in the ends.

I will keep at him brushing and combing, i have all the stuff lol!!! He just falls to sleep usually when i start now, which is easier!

thanks so much again


try using A" Doggy Man " brand slicker.
Sounds like the blades used to cut his hair were not that sharp and did not cut clean- giving you the velcro head on the end of the shaft causing it to stick to itself
Try using a product called the  "Stuff" or something similar to coat the shaft and prevent the tangling
Hand scissor monthly to even it out. Blow dry the coat to prevent more tangles and breakage. Use cream rinse and bath frequently to stimulate but if you can't get it knot free you will just continue to have problems.  I hope you have a proper table to save your back and encourage discipline as you groom your pup.
keep at it- it will come back
good luck