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hot spots

18 17:40:09

my dog breaks out in spots  the vet say's it is allergy's will it hurt to put basitration on the spots he don't break out in winter but it has been so warm a lot this winter and he is beaking out .  thank you .

I am sorry to hear that your dog has allergies. I am not familiar with the product you listed, Basitration.  
I would ask the vet for a topical product to use, but if he has hot spots, once they begin to form, there isn't TOO much you can do about it except keep the area clipped from hair getting stuck in it, and keep the area as dry as possible.

A couple of tips about seasonal allergies, keep your dog as clean as possible, wash him with an oatmeal shampoo, or better yet, just buy a bottle of prescription shampoo from the vet. Vets don't often suggest it, but they carry a line of shampoos with prescription strength medication in them that can really relieve the allergy problems, sometimes for several days, sometimes for a couple of weeks!

If your dog has long hair, experiment with different haircuts to see what helps your dog the most. Some dogs do better with shorter hair, which allows air flow to the skin and keeps the heat out of the coat. Some dogs do better with longer hair, which acts as a barrier between the skin and the irritant.
In most cases, the feet should be kept somewhat short, because a dog who licks it's feet will get chapped pads and skin on the feet, and that can cause fungal infections which just make the whole dog miserable.

Also, if your vet has not suggested it, use a lamb and rice based food.  Feed your dog out of stainless bowls and you may even find your dog will do better on bottled water, some dogs don't' react well to the treated city water, or high mineral content of well water. Also I suggest you call your vet and ask for the dosage for BENEDRYL for your particular dog. They will know the weight of your dog and can tell you how much and how often to use it.
On MANY dogs, this helps a lot with seasonal allergies. You can usually tell after just 2 or 3 doses, and you buy the childrens brand of Benedryl at the drug store.

Good luck, sorry I do not know about the medication you suggested, but call your vet and ask, the phone calls are always free!