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My new Scottie cross puppy

18 17:37:38

Hi, I have a 6 week old Scorkie, who has the most beautiful coat on her, she is mainly black with sprinkles of tan on her legs. Her fur is growing at very fast rate, and i m grooming her every day to avoid tangles, but her fur is already starting to sprout by her eyes. What is the right age for me to take her to the groomers, and can she have the scottie look for her first groom?? I am putting the clippers by her daily, nd turning them on to get her used to them.

Hi Michelle
Wow! 6 weeks old is really very young- do you have the mother as well?  8 weeks is the norm to remove a pup from it's mother for many reasons but that is another question.
Are you going to be grooming her yourself? If so you can start anytime. If you plan on exposing her to other dogs in a public setting it is usually considered unsafe to do so before she has all her shots.
But here's my thoughts. You have already started doing the correct thing by getting her use to the noise and equipment- good for you! Your puppy is only young once so why not enjoy all that cuteness? You will be grooming her the rest of her life so just snip the bits that stick up in her eyes or train them to lay flat and the longer they get the weight will hold it down. A traditional scottie cut does not cut that hair put incorporates it into that marvelous beard.
congratulations on your new puppy- they grow so fast!