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grooming for welsh terrier

18 17:38:41

I will be adding a Welsh Terrier to our family and would like to know if you can recommend a groomer in Queens, NY, or on Long Island. The city is out of the question for a number of reasons. I would like to make the first and continued experience, a pleasant one for my dog as well as myself.  Thanking you in advance, Diane

I don't know if you are planning to hand strip this pup or just have it clippered. I don't recommend groomers.
Best bet is to do your homework and whoever you decide to use make sure you both agree on the standard.
NO mutton chops
NO pantaloons
NO skirts
NO long hair on the legs
Squared off muzzle and face.
Get a book - talk to your breeder and make sure the person you choose, has a good understanding of the terrier basic pattern.

If you want the stuffed animal look as opposed to the standard - have them use a #3 skip tooth all over, then trim all around the edges. Won't have a lot of color but will look adorable.

Ask people who they use in the area when you see a cute dog. Best advertisement is a good looking dog. people love to tell.
good luck