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over zealous groomer

18 17:38:12

I took my 5 1/2 month old yorkie pom to get groomed for the first time today. I wanted his hair to be a little shorter because he's about to get neutered and it was getting really long on his face. I didn't expect that I would come back to find my dog completely shaved (other than his face). I can deal with the cut, though he looks pretty silly, but I'm concerned that his hair won't grow back. Do you think his hair will grow back normal?

Roseanna what makes you think this hair won't grow back? It ALWAYS grows back and I would be inclined to think that the reaon it was shaved in the first place is because it grew so much! I bet you have been having fun cuddling your puppy and wanted it to be clean so gave it a couple of baths yourself and turned it into a fur pelt that even if it could have been brushed out would have driven your baby nuts and for the first experience not a happy one. Better to shave it down and start over. This time you will need to get it under control, starting now. Talk to the groomer about what is a realistic schedule and haircut for your budget and lifestyle. If you can't afford to have it maintained on at least a biweekly schedule you can't afford a long haired dog - unless of course you are willing to put the time and effort into it yourself- which frankly is not the way it usually works. Next best bet is to keep it in a short puppy cut that you can clean up in between but won't be impossible for the groomer to work with on a monthly or bi-monthly schedule.
Have the groomer show you the correct equipment you will need and maybe how to deal with some simple routine maintenance issues just so you understand where they are coming from as well.
Sometimes cheaper is not better so really make an attempt to learn what it is they do where you are taking the dog to be groomed, who is grooming it, how much experience, and the policy on de-matting. There may be one person or as many as 3 handling your dog which can be frightening or fun- depends on the pup and the people.
Don't worry it will be back in force by the end of summer.
enjoy your new friend!