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grooming claws ??

18 17:36:01

just had a 7 week old jack russell puppy, its claws are very sharp and i was wondering if there was anything i can do.

Congratulations on your new puppy.
You can get some nail clippers to do the job right away- human ones are fine at this age but in a few months you will have to get pet clippers.
Be very careful about how short you go so they don't bleed- just cut the very sharp tip if they are black or the whitest part of a white nail- they get translucent the closer to the vein that runs in them - if they bleed, dip them in hydrogen peroxide. If you make them bleed you can cause serious fear problems going forward as far touching the feet for maintenance. If you trust your ability go right ahead - otherwise ask the vet or go to a local groomer. They are very sharp at such a young age.
good luck!