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Bichon whiskers

18 17:36:41

My 2 yr old Bichon itches around her mouth and neck constantly.  I am convinced it's due to her whiskers. They are stiff and stick straight out. Just as soon as I pluck them out, the itching stops!  (until they grow back) She never jumps or pulls away from me when I'm in the process of plucking them, however, she always pulls away or jumps when I hug her and hit them. Never any infections because I always sanitize and cleanse her face when I'm finished! I would NEVER do anything that "KNOW-ingly" would hurt my little friend.   Is there anything wrong with plucking them if she finds relief or should I stop? Thank you so much!

Have you discussed this with her vet? While I do not have a problem with your doing this, I have not heard of this problem before with that breed. Lots of breeds have the whiskers shaved/plucked/scissored so as long as there are no ingrown hairs and she finds relief from your doing this  go ahead. You know your dog better than anyone else and have only her welfare in mind.
If there seems to be any other problem that stems from it do not hesitate to see your vet but stick to your original reason and let them know this is your belief. You are your dog's advocate.
Good luck!