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Grooming my Great Pyrenee

18 17:38:43

I have purchased several brushes and combs, but each time I attempt to groom my Pyr I feel completely unprepared with the tools I've purchased.  Can you please point me to some specific tool to use.  My girl is 11 years old now and it's just too tough for her to go to the groomer anymore.

I totally understand your quandary because you have one big girl there. Frankly there are no silver bullets in these grooming issues. It is all about consistency and elbow grease. If you let it slide a day or two past a reasonable interval you have a giant mess and there you are raking and pulling and tugging on the old girl. She really needs the skill and confidence of a professional who knows how to use those tools.
Here is what I suggest. Find a mobile or house call groomer to come to your home a couple of times and show you the equipment. If you have a problem then try to contact your PYR club or breeder - even a pro handler might let you take a lesson or watch as they prepare a dog.
A small slicker won't cut it- you need the big guns. Rakes, large Metal combs, Universal slickers even a high powered HV dryer can help blow out undercoat.  Learn how to let the tool do the work for you. Section the dog into quarters. Work a section a day. First day the head/neck/rough, second the front legs, third the body, fourth the hind quarters. If you don't have a proper grooming table to limit her movement find a space you can tie her to so she doesn't ramble around. But for heaven sake don't hurt your back by trying to do it bending over. Get her up high enough so your natural gravity and body movements can work with you and not against you.
Grooming is a physical chore- make no mistake. You have to be prepared to put some muscle into it- especially a gal like yours.
If you have any specific questions feel free to ask again. Having been at this for 20 years, I have my share of aging pooches to deal with on a regular basis. My oldest right now is 19 1/2 year old maltese... the opposite problem. I think she's going to expire in my hand but she's still going strong. Most dogs are stronger than you think. Sometimes having them groomed at home makes all the difference. Doing it consistently- say every 4 weeks at the least is the best bet. I hope this helps.
Good Luck!