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Oster A5 turbo clipper b;ades

18 17:38:19

Which blade would be best on legs of Fox Wirehair Terrier?

Hi Marilyn,
Well it depends on what you are trying to acheive, the tight stove pipe or the fluffy Steif plush.
Often I just scissor the legs- you can correct weird bone sets, bow legs  and flat feet. Regardless I always finish with the scissors. #1 or 2 Snap-on combs are the best bet.  Is this for your own dog or are you professional?

If your dog is matted #4 or 5 blades will not cut through a matt- you did not say your dog had matts originally. You will need a #7f , 8 or 10 blade. 8 blades are called terrier blades for the heads and saddles.
You still need scissors to finish the haircut and brush out knots before baths to prevent future problems- wet hair causes matts.