Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > HELP!!!


18 17:39:05

Hi Sharon,

I have a 10 month old Tibetan Terrier. His coat was so long and beautiful, but starting to get matted.  I took him to the groomer to get a TRIM and got him back completely unrecognizable!  They cut his poor little coat so short!  I am so sad and just wondering if his hair will grow back.  If so, how long should it take?  PLEEEEAAASE HELP!!!  Thanks so much!

hello Jana.
The coat will grow back. But, because it was puppy coat before, the color might change and the texture of it as well. Which would have happened regardless, its just the difference of the puppy coat to the adult coat. I cannot give you an estimated time of how long it will take, because I do not know how long the coat was to start off with, and every dog has a different rate at which the hair will grow (just like humans). Just give it lots of time, and it will come back. Make sure you are doing daily brushing (twice a day is better!), using a metal comb, and a slicker brush. The metal comb will make sure that you are getting right down to the skin and preventing any matting from happening again. A Tibetan terrier has a very long coat that is very hard to keep matt free, so make sure you are brushing often. If the pup ever gets wet, make sure you brush him out completely!
Good Luck!