Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > Handstripping


18 17:35:53

Hello, I have been a groomer for about 7 years and have never done a strip. I need and want to learn. Can you guide me? Thank you

Hi Larissa.
My best advice for you is to find a breeder who has wire coated breeds and ask them if you can apprentice with them- which is how I learned. It is such a hands on learning experience that you must be doing it while you are learning in order to get it. Dog Shows are the best place to meet these people. You didn't say where you are located but shows are in full swing this time of year. They have a different way of grooming show dogs but you need to learn the correct way before turning it into Pet grooming.
There are Youtube videos and it is great to watch those to get started but it is not going to give you the tactile touch you will need to actually learn.
I also recommend getting you own wire haired dog in order to practice. That's the best way to learn the sequence of growth.
Let me know how it goes-
good luck!