Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Grooming > Oster Turbo A5

Oster Turbo A5

18 17:40:08

How do I attach a blade???  
My Welsh Terrier hates to have her nails clipped....any suggestions?

 Attach a blade to what? ...a have to pull the metal tongue out turn on the clipper slide the blade over the tongue then snap it in place.
 The terrier will take some time. How old is she? And has
she ever been professionally groomed? Just like house training you have to train them how to be groomed.
If you could write me again with a little more information and I will be able to help you out better.
As far as attaching the blade you can also ask any local
groomer to show you and they should do it with no problem.
 You might also have to have a groomer or a vet cut her nails some dogs just really hate to have it done and you can't do it yourself.
I hope I have been able to help a little.
Good luck and God Bless!