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Constantly Twitching Muscles

20 8:59:36

Hi.  We have a wonderful female dane, Sadie, that we
rescued.  We are uncertain about her age, but she appears to
be 5-7 years old.  

In the last 2 weeks she has developed this constant muscle
twitching.  Awake or asleep.  

Right before this started, she jumped off our porch while
chasing a small black bear out of our yard.   She seemed
unphased by the jump, but it was farther than I have ever
seen her jump before.

Our vet has her on pain medication to see if she aggravated
arthritis in her spine.  Her hips are good.  Her neck seems
fine.  The pain meds don't seem to be affecting the
twitching.   His other guess was that it might be an
allergic reaction as well.

My concern is that this is neurological in nature since it's
her whole body. Wobblers?  Distemper?   Her appetite is the
same (healthy).  She's active at the same times as she has
always been.  She doesn't appear to be in any pain.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.  

Thank you.


It looks as though you have basically done what you can do to find the cause of the muscle spasm.

This is something that sometimes happen, and the cause is really unknown.

What is more important is that the dog is not in pain. If she is eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, and is overall her normal self, I would not worry too much.

If you think she maybe having an allergic reaction you would have to find the source in order to determine that.

I hope this answers your question but it seems that you have done your research and already know more then I will be able to tell you.

Have a good one!