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Breeding my bitch

20 9:01:50

I have a two year old black and white Great Dane (Pennie) that was given to us. The previous owners was a fellow worker that as far as I am concerned is nothing more then an ignorant fool. He bought her fully registered to make a quick buck from her puppies, then (at less then one year old) she got into the chicken coop and being a puppy she tried to play with them and killed all of them (due to her size). The coworker was going to shoot her until I adopted her. She has full papers and I want to breed her, but first I need to know more about her breed. Can you recommend any good breeding books for Danes that will clue me in as to what to expect. Her lineage has harlequin in it and I would like to breed her for that.

Go to your local library and ask for dane books by Hilary Harmer, Di Johnson and Karina Le Mare.

Harlequins do not br3eed 100% true, you need to study her pedigree and decide what colour will best suit her.  The norm is 25% harlequin, 75% mis-mark.
