Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Great Danes > Great Dane rear leg direction

Great Dane rear leg direction

20 8:59:48

QUESTION: My 4 mo. old Dane's rear feet slant to the outside. I am was wondering is this something I should be concerned about. I have heard so many stories about hip dysplasia so am very paranoid that he has the early signs. I am walking him several times a week to help develop muscles in this area so feel he gets plenty of exercise. Could you give me your insight on the topic? Thanks.

ANSWER: Does he have a slant or is the leg coming out completely? Could you send me a picture so that I can have a better understanding? The way you are describing the leg makes it hard to answer as to what is going on. Hip dysplasia does not cause the leg to slant but it can be other things.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Azul\'s Rear Legs
Azul's Rear Legs  
QUESTION: Here are some pics of Azul's rear legs...

That dog is cow hocked with inflamation at the joint.  Looks well on the way to HOD.  Dog should be dropped to a senior dog food....LOWEST protein  possible- even if you have to go to crap food.  This puppy is going to be in serious trouble and pain in the future if this is not taken under control soon! Consult your veterinarian.