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Spaying your Great Dane

20 8:59:29


Ele & I
Dear Paula
My Great Dane of 1year and 5 months has just come on heat - her first and reading on many sites that it is not advisable to have them spade to early due to them being prone to getting cancer - so when is the best age to spay your dog? Please give me further advise on keeping her safe during this period that no unruly dog mounts her! She is not of pure bread and I do not want to cause her harm! The light of my life!

5 months ago would have been the perfect time to spay her. With a Great Dane you want to wait after 6 months, because that is when they do the majority of their growing. Cancer is prevalent in Danes, at and an older age, that is what a majority develop and die from. You cannot really prevent cancer. At this time because she is already in heat you can either get get spayed, the risks involved in spaying during a heat is rapid blood loss and swelling not going down in the back area. If you wait to get her spayed after her heat is over, you will have to wait for the swelling to completely go down. Which means age won't be able to be spayed for two and a half months from the day she started her great cycle. In the future, you wasn't to wait until they get past their larger growth spurt but before they come into their first heat, mentally between 8-10 months. The best way to avoid a pregnancy mishap is to have her in a diaper and never outside for any period of time unattended.  I how this answered your question, and good luck!