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introducing great dane pup into household with senior dane

20 8:59:30

Hi Paula,

My husband and I have been discussing purchasing a great dane pup from a breeder but have been wondering if it's a good idea because we have another Great Dane boy, Buddy, who has been our son for 9 years now.  We aren't worried at all about how Buddy will take to a pup, he's well socialized as I run a dog daycare/boarding facility out of my home and he's the most kicked back, well socialized gentle giant you'll ever meet.  I'm wondering though, if a new pup will come in and as Buddy's strength starts to fade as he ages (he's 9 after all, very healthy now)will the pup try to fight him and assume an alph position in our family?  This worries me very much, as I had a lab mix who was buddy's sister and Buddy actually had some dominant issues the year before we had to put her down due to an illness.  Buddy is a rescue, and we've always had dane rescues, so this is our first real experience with a pup...i will be taking him/her to training at 3 months of age, just wondering if you have any advice to keep something that could have been avoidable from happening, as we adore Buddy and want him to live his senior years out in peace.


At nine years old I personally would not bring a puppy into the home. Unless you plan to keep them separate. Puppies are very energetic, even Dane pups are. I feel that it might be too much stress for an older dog and that out might upset the balance in the house. Training is great, especially when you start young but that doesn't mean that the puppy work never try to dominate Buddy, especially if he/she sees that he is weak. I would plan on waiting for a puppy once Buddy goes. On the flip side, if you do get a puppy that is calm but still likes moderate play, it would be a great companion for him. Maybe the choice might be easier ifc you are able to foster a puppy from a rescue and see how it goes to make your decision easier? I hope this helps, have a good one!